Thursday, March 19, 2009

Approached by Elle Magazine

Exciting news in the Zannedelions world!!! We got an email last Friday from Kyle Anderson, the Accessories Editor at Elle magazine, requesting us to submit several selections of ear cuffs and my zany earrings for an upcoming photo shoot with stylist Kate Lanphear for a story on actress, Chloe Sevigny, scheduled for the upcoming July issue.

I had to get the ear cuffs in the shipping office by 3:00 in order get them to Kate in New York by Monday morning. Admittedly, a bit of a stressful time, but exciting too. And we gotter done!

So keep your fingers crossed - you might be able to say to your friends, "oh yes, I know Zannedelion ear cuffs, I wear them all the time" right???

Curious which ones we sent? Here's a hint - they were all in rhinestone. What would be your vote?